The story about the story. The stories behind the story. This thing is taking on a life of its own.
We go out, like we do, and a few in our not-so-little group start to identify one another by their aliases, by the "names" they have here on Moment Magnitude. The innocent and the guilty, and the in-between-ers too.
One fellow, upon arriving at BED last week, approached one of us, and said, "You're Surfer Girl, aren't you?"
Now, I know it's not a stretch to read the stories, check the photos, and do some simple math. But still. Surfer Girl was flattered.
"Hey, it's the first step in my plan for total world domination," she told me. She is indefatigable.
Other, newer friends, while clustered at the bar at Pastis last Friday, remarked that they love reading this thing. Bravi.
"But when are you going to write a story about a hot, married couple? We get wild too."
Well yee-ha, I say. That, from the girl-half of said hot, married couple. Tell me a story, and let's see if it percolates. Below the surface.
Synthesis is organic. But the pop is worth it.
Herewith, for no defined reason, a half-dozen-plus shots, no names or aliases given. Yet.
At Employees Only. Back at Employees Only.
At Moomia. At BED.
At Crobar. At L'Orange Bleu.
At L'Orange Bleu also. At Matador.